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文章题目:Icariin improves osteoporosis, inhibits the expression of PPARγ, C/EBPα, FABP4 mRNA, N1ICD and jagged1 proteins, and increases Notch2 mRNA in ovariectomized rats

致谢内容:The authors thank the International Science Editing Compuscript, Ltd. (Shannon, Ireland) for critically reading and checking the first draft.
期刊名称:Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine

---------- 暨南大学药学院

文章题目:Effects of low-dose cadmium exposure during gestation and lactation on development and reproduction in rats

致谢内容:The International Science Editing, Ireland, is gratefully acknowledged for editing the manuscript.
期刊名称:Environmental Science and Pollution Research

---------- 第三军医大学热带病研究所

文章题目:Correlation between RNA-Seq and microarrays results using TCGA data

致谢内容:We would like to thank International Science Editing Co. for editing the language.

---------- 复旦大学附属中山医院

文章题目:Characterization and expression analysis of three cold shock protein (CSP) genes under different stress conditions in the Antarctic bacterium Psychrobacter sp. G

致谢内容:We thank the International Science Editing for the help they offered in language modification.
期刊名称:Polar Biology

---------- 国家海洋局第一海洋研究所

文章题目:Effects of salinity on soil bacterial and archaeal community in estuarine wetlands and its implications for carbon sequestration: verification in the Yellow River Delta

致谢内容:We thanked the Administration of Shandong Yellow River Delta National Nature Reserve for the help during sampling and the International Science Editing for editing the paper.
期刊名称:Chemistry and Ecology

---------- 同济大学环境科学与工程学院

文章题目:Differentially expressed serum proteins associated with calcium regulation and hypocalcemia in dairy cows

致谢内容:The authors thank the Beijing Proteome Research Center for providing technological services and International Science Editing for editing of this article.
期刊名称:Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences

---------- 黑龙江八一农垦大学动物科学与兽医学院

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