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作者:    来源:   时间:2020-11-02   访问量: 986  

ISE本期博客,是由ISE总部 Lisa Clancy 博士撰写和设计的一张信息图(infographic),为我们提供了科研论文写作中动词时态的小TIPS。


1. Title 标题

Titles are often not complete sentences, i.e., no verb is used.


Fully device independent quantum key distribution.

If you do want to use a complete sentence, use the present tense.


What your Facebook profile picture reveals about your personality.

2. Introduction 引言

Present tense – use when stating general truths.


Many programmers rely on 3-way merge tools to integrate changes from different branches.

Present perfect – use when describing actions that happened in the past but are still relevant today.


Classification analyses of various sorts have been used frequently for structuring document collections.

Past tense – use when discussing previous studies or past events.


The ACM US Public Policy Council (USACM) was established in the early 1990s.

3. Method 方法

The past tense is mostly used in the methods section.


The motion was generated by rotating around a central vertical axis at the center of the point cloud using Equation (1).

Occasionally, the past perfect tense and past continuous tense are required.


Past perfect tense – use when describing an action that occurred before another action.


Recruitment efforts were stopped once data saturation had been reached .

Past continuous tense – use when describing an ongoing action that occurred in the past.


The program team came together during major milestones to verify that the project was progressing on-schedule.

4. Results 结果

The past tense is mostly used in the results section of hypothesis-based studies.


We found little evidence for the “filter bubble” hypothesis.

The present tense is often used when describing new methodologies.


With Scatter/Gather, rather than being forced to provide terms, the user is presented with a set of clusters, an outline of the corpus.

5. Discussion 讨论

As with introductions, a mixture of tenses is used in the discussion sections of scientific manuscripts, including the past tense, the present tense and the future tense.


Future tense – use when discussing the implications of the study.


Understanding these privacy norms will allow manufacturers to design devices that consumers are comfortable incorporating into their homes.

6. Figure/table legends 图片和表格的说明

Present tense – use when referencing the figures/tables in the text


Examples are shown in Table 1 and Fig. 2.

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