美国儿童发育研究学会- SRCD推荐ISE语言润色服务
作者:国际科学编辑 来源: 时间:2018-03-01 访问量: 31784 |
美国儿童发育研究学会- Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD)及旗下期刊推荐ISE语言润色服务
关于SRCD 1922年至1923年,通过任命国家(美国)研究委员会儿童发育小组委员会,儿童发育领域得到了正式承认。1925年,在著名实验心理学家罗伯特·S·伍德沃思(Robert S. Woodworth)的指导下,该小组成为美国国家科学院的儿童发育委员会,并设有办事处和工作人员。委员会的目的是整合研究活动并刺激儿童发育研究。该委员会颁发奖学金,举办会议并开始出版。 1927年,425名科学家被列入儿童发育研究名录,同年出版了第一卷儿童发展摘要和参考书目(Child Development Abstracts and Bibliography)。 1933年,儿童发育委员会解散并将火炬交给了新组建的儿童发展研究协会(SRCD)。
SRCD的未来发展方向 随着人类发展研究的扩大,各学科之间的协调和整合需求也在不断增长。学会一直致力于促进这种协调和整合,并协助传播研究成果。学会欢迎对儿童发育研究领域感兴趣,并寻求共同分享这一乐趣的会员。
Child Development 影响因子: 3.779 2017 ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: Psychology, Developmental: 10 out of 73 Psychology, Educational: 5 out of 59 Current Publication Lag: Articles are published online within roughly 6 months of acceptance and in print roughly 10 months after acceptance. Since its inception in 1930, Child Development has been devoted to original contributions on topics in child development from the fetal period through adolescence. It is a vital source of information not only for researchers and theoreticians, but for a broad range of psychiatrists and psychologists, educators, and social workers across the field.
Child Development Perspectives 影响因子: 3.207 2017 ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: Psychology, Developmental: 17 out of 71 Child Development Perspectives (CDP) was established in 2006, and publishes brief articles on developmental science that are written in accessible language for a wide audience.CDPemphasizes brief, well synthesized reviews of research, but occasionally publishes essays on policy, statistics and methods, and other topics in developmental science.
Monographs 影响因子: 2.245 2017 ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: Psychology, Developmental: 26 out of 73 Since 1935 Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development (Monographs) has presented in-depth research studies and significant findings in child development and its related disciplines. Monographs are extended works, focused on specialized topics, judged to make significant contributions to SRCD's mission—advancing developmental science and promoting its use to improve human lives. Like all Society for Research in Child Development publications, Monographs enables development specialists from many disciplines to share their data, techniques, research methods, and conclusions.
关于国际科学编辑-ISE 国际科学编辑由Mike·Cushley先生于 1991 年创立于爱尔兰。在国际学术出版领域,能够使用高水平的书面英语具有巨大优势。然而并不是所有的科学家都具备这一能力。但是,凭借我们在这一领域内多年的经验,和我们在欧洲、北美和澳大利亚等英语母语国家已经拥有的一个值得信赖并高质量的编辑队伍,国际科学编辑可以为全世界的科学家提供英语母语化润色服务。公司所有的科学编辑都具有博士学历,拥有丰富的科学研究经验及优秀的英语语言技能。
国际科学编辑凭借与国际出版商、期刊以及学会多年的合作,了解到非英语母语国家的科学家发表论文所遇到的困难,同时也熟悉各大出版商和国际期刊对语言的要求。推荐国际科学编辑(International Science Editing)语言润色服务的出版商、期刊和学会有:Oxford University Press,Springer Japan,Wageningen Academic Publishers,PNAS, 美国肿瘤学会(AACR),美国微生物学会(ASM),美国血液学会(ASH),美国营养学会(ASN),美国机械工程学会(ASME),美国气象学会(AMS),国际计算机学会 (ACM),美国耳鼻咽喉头颈外科学会和儿童发育研究学会(SRCD)等等。
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